Tuesday, July 19, 2011

“Traumatizing Stress” "Bipolar Diagnosis" Written By My Psychologist
MetLife Read This and Then Ignored Profound Statements About My Eye That Was Removed From The Socket During Surgery.
MetLife Recently Received Their Third Non Prosecution Agreement That Says They Will Follow All Laws !!!!

To DOL Secretary Solis, Asst. Secretary Borzi, and Director Watson,

Please ask President Obama to add this to the treason evidence I’ve presented to him in recent emails plus the online evidence seen at : http://www.treasonevidence.blogspot.com/

and www.violatingnonprosecutionagreement.blogspot.com

Here is the conclusion of a report that MetLife Requested from my Psychologist. I added the red highlights. This was sent to MetLife May 31st 2011 :

“Nevertheless, in my opinion, Mr. Schmittou, was confronted with a series of major stresses which either triggered the development of a bipolar disorder or destabilized an already existing bipolar disorder. Additionally, I have conceptualized the severe and cumulative stress as traumatizing. Mr. Schmittou‘s mental status and functioning have not improved since the specified period. Both Dr. Osborn and Dr. Sugarman described Mr. Schmittou’s disabling limitations; so I will not reiterate them. It is my clinical impression that his symptoms, which became debilitating during the specified period, remain prominent and have worsened. He continues to experience substantial and continuous functional limitations and impairments in critical work-related abilities.

Here are more statements from the report :

He sought psychotherapy in 2001-2002 to help him deal with the understandable distress about his cancer and debilitating vision problems, and his particularly deep distress resulting from his employer’s disregard for his well-being and his struggles to get MetLilfe to properly regard his disability claims. He soon was without money or insurance; so he sought no psychotherapy for several years. And even when he obtained Medicare coverage, he was too depressed to seek proper treatment for mental or physical problems. When he resumed psychotherapy in 2008, he was still struggling with terrible vision problems and was desperately appealing for disability benefits. He didn’t see the above-cited behaviors as relevant to his issues. So he didn’t mention them. Moreover, he associated some of the above-cited activities with feeling good, not with mental disorder.

In my experience, the mentally ill, whether very anxious or depressed or bipolar, can be tenacious when in a desperate situation. And Mr. Schmittou is in a desperate situation.
Many individuals would have given up when denied disability benefits. Mr. Schmittou certainly has been utterly demoralized for long periods of time - - so much so that he has almost missed some deadlines for filing motions or appeals. But he is also convinced that without long-term disability income, he will soon be homeless or living in an indigent care nursing home, because of repeated falls and injuries and inability to live unassisted. He perceives this to be a fight for his survival.
(end of quotes)

Dangerous Fraud From MetLife’s Physician Consultant Dr. Osbahr, Who Ignored Profound Statements That Were Written By Nashville Baptist Hospital’s Chief of Ophthalmology About My Left Eye Problems (They Occurred After The Eye Was Removed From the Socket, Bone Removed and My Brain Was Internally Exposed)


MetLife and the Department of Labor read my Psychologist’s quotes above and the other Psychological reports seen at www.mypsychologistsreport.blogspot.com ;
Then MetLife used the following fraud to deny my claim for disability. Soon I will have insufficient money for medical co–pays and living expenses.
All this was done after MetLife entered into its third Non Prosecution agreement where they agreed “MetLife has established a Code of Business conduct and Ethics (“the Code”) that applies to all employees of MetLife and its affiliates. Among other things, the Code requires all MetLife employees to comply with all laws rules and regulations affecting MetLife’s business and its conduct in business affairs.”
MetLife’s consultant Dr. Osbahr wrote this in the report MetLife used to deny my claim :
“The medical information from his Optometrist and Ophthalmologist suggest that his visual ability was restored back to normal in the left eye.”
Please compare those words to the quotes you’re about to see from my Ophthalmologist/ right eye surgeon Dr. Wallace and my Optometrist Dr. Jessup.
Dr. Wallace is Chief of Ophthalmology at Baptist Hospital in Nashville.

These quotes are from a one page letter he wrote to me in 2010 in an effort to correct another doctor paid by MetLife who completely ignored many of the problems my vision causes.

Dr. Wallace wrote :

“I hope I have not been misunderstood.  I did not mean to say that you did not have any problems with your right eye from the treatment of the tumor.  You have a large blind spot in the right eye with a large area of loss of central vision. I am sure that this loss of central vision causes a considerable loss of depth perception and difficulties in many areas of your life every day”.

Dr. Wallace wrote this about my left eye :

“In the left eye, the macular region was healthy and the retina was completely attached. I did notice the eye movements and Nystagmus in 2008.”

“loss of vision in one eye and Nystagmus in the other eye can greatly affect someone’s lifestyle and someone’s ability to work in many occupations”

I am legally blind in my right eye due to cancer surgery, and it is extremely damaging for MetLife to ignore problems caused by my left eye image constantly jumping !!

My Optometrist Dr. Jessup wrote :

“I do not disagree with the letter dated April 1, 2010 you recently received from Dr. Wallace.”

“I have made no changes in the recommendations given to you while you were under my care.”
(end of quotes)
MetLife’s consultant Dr. Osbahr wrote that he read the reports from both of these doctors.
Dr. Osbahr also wrote , “all this documentation was read in great detail.”
Osbahr never mentioned any of the quotes that you have seen from Dr. Wallace !!
MetLife’s claims agent who denied my claim in 2011 never mentioned any of the quotes you have just seen !!
It is very fraudulent for Dr. Osbahr to write :
“The medical information from his Optometrist and Ophthalmologist suggest that his visual ability was restored back to normal in the left eye.”
I repeatedly told MetLife this is a false/fraudulent statement, but they used Osbahr’s report to deny my claim !!!!!
In 2010 MetLIfe’s claims agent and another MetLife consultant named Dr. Weber never mentioned any of the quotes from Dr. Wallace you have just seen !!
After seein the quotes where Dr. Wallace wrote that he saw my eye movements and nystagmus, MetLife’s claims agent wrote this in her denial :

“Dr. Wallace and Dr. Weber agreed that yours was a case of subjective complaints without objective findings.”
This fraudulent statement was written twenty days after MetLife entered into their third Non prosecution agreement where they agreed they would follow all laws !!
It took me many months to detail what occurred in 2010, including MetLife sending a fax on February 9th giving my doctors until February 6th to respond if they disagreed.
It’s hard to believe what they did this after signing the Non prosecution agreement !!
The 2010 fraud can be seen at the website below but please read this document first because of the timeline :

Please take a break before reading more related evidence.

Compounding the recent frauds !!

In 2008 Dr. Wallace talked to MetLife’s consultant Dr. Yanik without having seen me or my medical records since 2003.
Dr. Wallace did not even view the medical records from when he performed eye cancer surgery and 2003.
No one had a valid authorization to discuss my medical records !!
MetLife’s Dr. Yanik  quoted Dr. Wallace as saying that I would have no limitations in 2008 !! How would he know without having seen me or my medical records during the last five years !!
MetLife used that report to deny my claim. The Court had just ordered them to conduct a full and fair review of my claim !!
Everything just mentioned occurred at the exact time of my father’s four month illness and death, even while I was at his bedside as he struggled desperately for breath during his last hours.

I needed every bit of my strength to be there for my father while also surviving my handicaps, falls, and accidents.

 I took time that I could have been with my father, drove to Nashville to see Dr. Wallace with one eye legally blind and severe visual problems in the other eye because of surgery where the eye was removed from the socket and bone removed that internally exposed my brain.

Then knowing that he had not seen my medical records for five years, Dr. Wallace had the nerve to tell me to find someone to trump him.

I went to see Dr. Wallace in 2008 for the one purpose of resolving these problems that were destroying my life. I handed him many pages of medical evidence but Dr. Wallace did not look at them !!

Now I’m barred from speaking to my surgeon Dr. Wallace !!

More MetLife deceptions in 2011 !!
The following is very important and related but please read it later because you have already seen so much evidence :

MetLife faxed Dr. Osbahr’s lengthy report to my Dr. Wallace and Optometrist Dr. Jessup.
Near the bottom of the full page cover letter MetLife told my doctors’ if they disagreed they should respond.
I told Dr. Wallace’s office manager that if he did not respond MetLife would use that to convince the Court that Dr. Wallace agreed since he did not disagree.
I have seen cases where the Court accepted that logic !!
I explained it would be fine if he just wrote one sentence explaining that he did not have time to read another consultant’s report and compare it to my medical records.
I had to call the office manager several times over approximately ten days, and finally the office manager told me that she was not sure Dr. Wallace would even have time write one sentence.
I explained my desperation, asked her to read the psychologists reports online that show the damages MetLife has caused me. Later I was told to talk to Dr. Wallace’s CEO.
The CEO explained the favor that Dr. Wallace had done for me writing the quotes in 2010.
I explained that while I appreciated the little bit that he wrote, Dr. Wallace should not have spoken to MetLife in 2008 or 2010 because he had no release of information and there is so much medical evidence he is not aware of.
Dr. Wallace was not doing me that much of a favor by correcting false statements that MetLife’s consultant wrote as a result of these unauthorized conversations, and while he told MetLife I had no limitations without seeing me, he would not write any specifics about limitations he thought I would have.
A day or so later I called the CEO and the office receptionist told me I was to talk to Dr. Wallace’s attorney only. I asked if I had a medical emergency could I see Dr. Wallace and she said talk to the attorney !!
If I understand correctly I am barred from seeing him, and this all happened because I asked for one sentence to be written !!

My original Retinal Specialist Dr. Arrindell is now Dr. Wallace’s partner, and I assume I am barred from seeing him too.
The attorney Mr. Jameson returned my call on a day he had very limited time.
Since I have severe visual problems that are made worse by typing I called early another day and followed an outline I had written and left him 15 minutes of messages of occurrences over the last 10 years.
I did this early in the morning so no one would answer the phone, and during the last message he actually came in the office and had seen that I sent other messages and he seemed very flustered.
He had told me they would help during our first conversation, and I followed notes so I would only over the most important info, but for him 15 minutes was too long for me to take to describe all the fraudulent discussions that MetLife had tricked Dr. Wallace into !!
Now Dr. Wallace’s attorney wants everything in writing, and I’ve had surgeries on both eyes.
All this happened because my surgeon Dr. Wallace’s office manager decided Dr. Wallace did not have time to write one sentence; when MetLife’s fraudulent consultants called him he always called them back the same day !!
In their denial letter MetLife specifically mentioned that they told my doctor’s (including Dr. Wallace) that if they disagreed they should respond.
Dr. Wallace’s name was not on the list of doctors who responded, so MetLife considers him to be in agreement with the reports that are full of fraud by omissions.

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